Category: Uncategorized

  • Number Sonics

    Number Sonics is where theory and creativity meet. It’s what happens when you put the E-System and Guitar Syntax into action. With Number Sonics, you use the knowledge from both concepts to create something fresh and original. It’s about taking these new theories and making music that reflects your personal style and creativity.

  • Guitar Syntax

    Guitar Syntax is set of tools or a new language for the guitar that helps you better communicate through music. This approach is special because it offers new ways for you to express yourself musically. By learning Guitar Syntax, you can take your guitar skills to a new level, making your playing more inventive and original.

  • The E-System for Guitars

    The E-System is a perspective. It helps guitar players see the fretboard as a connected whole. This system is all about making the fretboard easy to understand and use, whether you’re playing, improvising, or composing music. With the E-System, you are getting ready to unlock the fretboard and your potential.

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!