E-System and Guitar Syntax: Revolutionary approach transforming the fretboard into a logical and intuitive landscape.

  • Tired of memorizing countless chord shapes and scales?
  • Frustrated by the seemingly endless complexity of the guitar fretboard?
  • Bored from being struck in boxes?
  • Yearning to level up?

I invite you to check out my perspective:

 E-System and Guitar Syntax – revolutionary approach to learning guitar, transforming the fretboard into a logical and intuitive landscape.

E-System: Building Blocks for Your Musical Journey

The E-System utilizes numeric values  (1-7) to represent the fundamental building blocks of music: intervals

major scale horizontally and vertically constructed with numbers (intervals)

This allows you to construct major scale, the foundation of western harmony, with ease. and discover the underlying structure of chords.

You discover the underlying structure of chords.

There are only five major chord shapes, coming out of major scale applied across the strings.

The core of shape decides the quality of chord and we call it nucleus. It is the 5-1-3 numbers/tones in major chord shape. By modifying it, we create a vast array of chords.

We start by modifying the nucleus to all 4 chord types naturally appearing in major scale: Major, Minor, Dominant 7, m7b5.

in summary: Major scale, 7 modes (just as easy, only starting with different number), 5 major chord shapes, 4 chord types- Major, Minor, Dominant 7, m7b5and you are ready for Guitar Syntax, the key to the fretboard freedom.

Guitar Syntax: The Language of the Fretboard

E-System is more than just theory; it’s the foundation for Guitar Syntax.

After adopting my perspective and understanding The E-System basics, you are ready to unlock the fretboard with Guitar Syntax, which is set of rules that govern how the building blocks of E-System interact on the fretboard, considering the nature of the guitar.

Guitar Syntax is implementing logic and forming relation ship between string names, 5 basic chord shapes, 4 chord types and most importantly, the 7 numbers representing the intervals.

Think of it as a language for the guitar, allowing you to navigate the fretboard with ease and precision, giving you freedom to improvise, compose, create, explore …and possibly enter a huge rabbit hole.

Benefits of E-Sytems

/here a the benefits of E-sytem

the 4 pilars

/list of pilars


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