How symbolic the life is, lately.

Today is friday, and in a week, about this time, I am gonna be in London, just after The first Metanet event.  Around this time “networking” . First time ever ;-), I am truly curious, how that gonna play out.

Next Friday is the 28th of June.

Two years ago, exactly, the 28th of June, 2017 I was flying to Arnhem, where was The Future of Bitcon conference happening. Story you can read here (part 1) and here (part 2) and my life slowly began to change.

If you do not bother to read the articles, I just shortly state some things. I did not attend the conference. Yet I did appeared there as a guest at dinner party. I had not much clue about Bitcoin, but I knew there is gonna be fork. And before conception of Bitcoin Cash, I knew on which side I ll be.

Because I do support Satoshis Vision, I am now on yet another “side” I am learning, earning, and being part of Bitcoin SV, the original idea of Bitcoin, and the only true Bitcoin that is.

I have strong intuition and often some kind of guidance, or luck, to be at certain places at certain times, lately online, withnessing beginning of things. I do have  opened mind, and adventurous nature. I am probably also quiet stubborn.

And seems to me, that I do not give up easily. Else, I live “normal life” between “normal people”, my kids having “normal education” and we are participating in “normal society”. I would also have “normal husband” and “normal job”


None of that is truth. I packed my things when I was 28 years old, and in a van left Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republick and headed to Spain. Which set me on a journey of searching myself, going through lots of staff, experiencing precious life lessons (you can see that only after time, but slowly I become aware that that is so, and even in desperate times I knew, its gonna be fine, one day.

So, in eyes of many, I am definitely not “normal” . Still, if I meet someone, occasionally, they tell me, waw, write a book.


I am not gonna write a book, but I will, at some point, write some parts of my story to blockchain. I will not only leave information for future life, but also make money by doing so and secure the future of my girls, so when they grow up, they can do what they heart tells them, and do not have to be somebodys  slave for life, just to cover basic needs. And that is cool. And how do I know, that it will be like that? Well, it can not be otherwise. Energy can not get lost.

I already have an app, that derives notes from given name/word. Number_Sonics.This app work on micropayments. I do charge 3 cents. At this point, 2 cents goes to me, 1 to the developer. When Money Buttons “Discovery Page ” is ready to meet the world, and when Bitcoin gets adopted by the masses, (they may not even now about using it) then thousands and thousands of cents will be coming our way.

And that is just one little thing.

I do have this alternative guitar theory, and heck of The Lydian concept of Tonal Organization.

I am also learning to code, and I was the first Money Button user!


There is just so much to do, learn and live….that often I wish, that day would last more hours.


Writing these posts, is gonna help me to get better organized, and also to slowly get people (even my old friends _ thanks for reading, it did surprised me girls) interested and follow my journey.


Saying so, I would appreciate, if you subscribe to this blog, as I do not visit FB or Twitter much and do not intent to. I am moving to Metanet, the new, and better internet. Yet, I would like to stay in touch and I would like to share.


This post started about symbolic events and its gonna end that way too.


I am happy to announce, that I bought paymail handle lerncoding@moneybutton and I received 1000$ donation to kickstart this project, that I didn’t even thought of.

The money is cool, because I had nearly nothing, I could pay rent with crypto and spent it almost all, because there was no other way at that moment.

Now I have peace in my mind, I do not pay rent, I am staying with my brother in Czech Republic and I took little job in local pub, over the lunch time, so I can feed my kids and socialize myself back, after 30 years. (When I was 10, we moved with my mum to the capital of Czech, Prague)

Else, I would not go out. I am rather shy, and prefer to learn or do something home. So I am practicing my mothers language (for the last decade I spoke English), loosing some weight and (when I get used to it and stop be tired) and learn to use my time better, as well as entertain the girls so they are happy, I will give more attention to my coding journey.

Not only I want to help people to know how powerful Bitcoin (SV) and Money Button is, but also, at some point, I will make something cool with The E-System For Guitars, the guitar theory I talked about earlier.


I write this post for myself, but also for you. And I keep learning and improving.


May good things keep happening…


PS: better done then perfect!


Day 2 of consistent writing done. Well done, Misha….;-)