
Archived: Money Button paywall, unlock to find out, how I record phone screen

Hey again! Money Button lovers and future lovers. Few people asked me, how did I recorded phone screen. Well, took me  a while. I am an Alice, after all. Year ago, when Unit wallet came out, and I wanted to record my experience, I was doing it on phone, and recording from laptop.

When Money Button was released, and you know, I really really like Money Button, not only for the tech, but also, in the mad times, It kept me focus, not distracted. Whatever is happening, we have Money Button. I stick with that. I found out, how to record my experience with it. The first one was also just on computer, but then I made one nice one, and recorded it on phone.

And then came the Chickens!

And people started to ask, how did I do it? What? Me? I am the last one who know how to do things, or not? 🙂 Well, my kids, are teaching me capitalism. They made a gym and I pay 5 cents to use it. Lucky me, that I can pay with Bitocin Cash!

Here you go, you find out how to record phonescreen (android) and I have an hour in gym! Win-win.