February was a tough month.
First I got ill. Probably the most ill yet.
One day I started to smell an odd oder.
Though maybe they spray some chemicals on the land around us.
My tooth was in pain. Again. I kept walking around complaining about the horrible smell. Until I found out, terrified, that it was me…and things got worst.
I end up in the bed, unable to move. Scared. Shit was leaking out of me. From my nose, eyes, spitt. Unbarable pain in my head. Ears, tooths, eyes, cheeks. I started to eat ibuprofens and smoke joints. I was not able to be the mum for my girs.
I was scared Im dying.

I did not. 🙂 But the shit kept comming the whole month. One carambol after other.

Am I complaining? I dont know. Likely not. I probably just have to get staff out of my system so I can keep going…